Summer School Priority Eligibility continues to be:
Regular Credit Recovery Summer School
- Current 12th graders who might not graduate because of missing credits. (deficient 5 - 30 credits)
- Opportunities for current 9th graders who failed multiple courses. (Rising Sophomores) (fewer than 20 first semester credits)
- Opportunities for current 10th graders who failed/NP multiple courses during distance learning.
- Opportunities for current 11th graders who failed/NP multiple courses during distance learning.
Retake courses for UC A-G Credit - Edgenuity Only
- Opportunities for current 11th graders to retake classes with Ds for UC A-G credit.
- Opportunities for current sophomores to retake - classes with Ds for UC A-G credit.
- Opportunities for current freshman to retake classes with Ds for UC A-G credit.
If you have questions about your child's summer school status, please contact their guidance counselor at their school site.
- Academic Information
- Instructional Calendars
- 2023-2024 Bell Schedules
- AB 1575 Student Fees
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Accommodation Request for ACT
- Accommodation Request for College Bd
- CODEX- Student Placement Guide
- Common Core Information
- Credit Recovery
- District Course Waiver Letter
- FAQ on Ninth Grade Course Offerings
- Graduation Requirements
- Summer Reading
- The Ninth Grade Experience at SUHSD
- Parent Survey
- Enrollment Information
- Online Services
- Student Programs
- Parent Resources
- Academic Information