Attendance & Behavior
It is important that any student enrolled in summer school attend regularly and on time. During the school year a student must complete 60 hours of in-class time to receive credit. In summer school, students are trying to earn enough seat time to earn credit, meaning that attendance is extremely important.
- Attendance is taken every hour in summer school.
- 2 tardies = 1 absent
- If a student is 30 minutes late for a class period, it is marked as an absence.
- Students may not exceed 10 total hours of absences. (1 day of summer school = 5 hours of class.)
- Any student missing 2 days of summer school will be dropped. A guardian will be called and informed of the student being dropped from summer school.
Each student must sign a Behavior Expectations Policy at the beginning of summer school. Students will be dismissed from summer school for repeated disruptive behavior. This may include, but not limited to:
- cell phone use or ipods in the classroom
- being tardy to class
- wandering outside of classroom during class time
- dressing inappropriately
- failing to follow normal classroom procedures
- disrupting the learning environment in any way.
Major infractions for immediate dismissal and possible further consequences:
- fighting or attempting to cause harm to another
- possessing, using or attempting to sell drugs, alcohol, or any illegal substance
- possessing a weapon
- engaging in habitual profanity
- bullying or threatening another student,
- defying a valid school authority
- Academic Information
- Instructional Calendars
- 2023-2024 Bell Schedules
- AB 1575 Student Fees
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Accommodation Request for ACT
- Accommodation Request for College Bd
- CODEX- Student Placement Guide
- Common Core Information
- Credit Recovery
- District Course Waiver Letter
- FAQ on Ninth Grade Course Offerings
- Graduation Requirements
- Summer Reading
- The Ninth Grade Experience at SUHSD
- Parent Survey
- Enrollment Information
- Online Services
- Student Programs
- Parent Resources
- Academic Information