Pregnant-Parenting-Married Students
General Information
SUHSD wants to support our pregnant, parenting, and married teens so that they can continue their education, attain strong academic and parenting skills, and promote the healthy development of their children/families. Reference CA Education Code 46015, Board Policy 5146, or the U.S. Dept. of Education's Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) page for more information.
Pregnant and parenting teens have the right to participate in any comprehensive school or educational alternative program. Educational and related support services shall be provided, either through the district or in collaboration with community agencies and organizations, to meet the needs of pregnant and parenting students and their children. Services include, but are not limited to:
Child care for the children of parenting students near the school site during the school day and during school-sponsored activities (Redwood HS)
Parenting education and life skills instruction
Tobacco, alcohol and drug prevention and intervention services
Academic and personal counseling
Supplemental instruction to assist students in achieving grade-level academic standards to progress toward graduation
Pregnant and parenting students may be excused for absences related to confidential medical appointments and for the illness or medical appointment of a child to whom the student is the custodial parent, per Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5113- Absences and Excuses.
Students may be granted a leave of absence due to pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy and recovery for up to 8-weeks when requested by the student (if 18+) or the parent/guardian. This leave may be extended if medically required by a physician's verification.
When returning, the student shall be reinstated to the status held before the leave began or an alternative educational program may provided. The student may also be entitled to a fifth year of enrollment to complete their graduation requirements.
Accommodations and Lactation Needs
When necessary, the district shall provide reasonable accommodations to pregnant and parenting students to enable them to access the educational program. A pregnant student has the same access to any services available to other students with temporary disabilities or medical conditions.
Schools will provide reasonable accommodations to any lactating student to express breast milk, breastfeed an infant child or address other needs related to breastfeeding. Students will not incur academic penalties for using any of these accommodations, and will provided with the opportunity to make up work missed due to such use. Reasonable accommodations include:
Access to a private and secure room, other than a restroom, to express milk or breastfeed an infant child.
Permission to bring a breast pump or other necessary equipment used to express breast milk to school
Access to a power source for a breast pump or other necessary equipment used to express breast milk.
Access to a place to store expressed breast milk safely
A reasonable amount of time to accommodate the student's need to express breast milk or breastfeed an infant.
To access support for pregnant and parenting teens, speak to your school counselor or program administrator.
Any complaints of discrimination on the basis of pregnancy or parental status or noncompliance should first be addressed with the Administrative/Instructional Vice Principal and then with the Principal. For concerns that are unable to be addressed at the site level, please contact Student Services. If complaints cannot be resolved at the site or district level, or at any point in the process, you may file a complaint through a Uniform Complaint Procedure (UCP).
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