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Interdistrict Transfers

As of February 1, 2024, the
Interdistrict Transfer request into SUHSD
window is closed. 

For Interdistrict Transfer requests into SUHSD for 2025-2026, please revisit this page in October, 2024.
General Information

General Information

Interdistrict transfers (IDT) are required to transfer from one district to another; this includes leaving or requesting to enter the Sequoia Union High School District. Below you will find links to additional information on how to complete the process. Please review the appropriate section that corresponds with your desire to transfer out of SUHSD, or transfer into SUHSD.


Additional information for all Interdistrict Transfer requests:
  • SUHSD annually accepts IDT requests from October 15 - February 1 for possible enrollment in  subsequent school years  
  • IDT decisions will be made within 30 calendar days of receipt
  • Failure to adhere to timelines will be deemed an abandonment of the request
  • All approved IDTs require students to remain in good standing, earning above-average grades with positive attendance and behavior; IDTs may be revoked for students in poor standing
  • Students of military families have additional provisions under Assembly Bill (AB) 2949 and Education Code (EC) 48204.6: students meeting certain criteria are permitted to continue attending the student's "school of origin" during that school year, regardless of any change of residence of the military family
  • All IDT requests to leave SUHSD must have a complete Online Registration application on file; this guarantees we only process IDT requests for families/students that are verified to reside within SUHSD attendance boundaries. IDT requests to leave SUHSD must be completed annually
SUHSD's policies on Interdistrict Transfers:  BP 5117  |  AR 5117 

Interdistrict Transfer INTO SUHSD

Instructions for completing request for transfer INTO of SUHSD:


SUHSD AR 5117: "Applications for interdistrict attendance shall be submitted to the district office by February 1 of the year preceding the school year for which the student may be transferred. The application deadline may be waived upon agreement between the district and the district of residence."


  • Applications must include a signed release approval from the District of Residence prior to submitting this application. Interdistrict Transfer applications that are incomplete or contain incorrect information will not be processed and will be returned. Release approval by the District of Residence does not guarantee or imply transfer approval by Sequoia Union High School District
  • Please note that IDT requests are approved for the school district, not for a particular school site.  If approved, SUHSD will enroll your student at a school site based on space and availability.
  • Applications for transfer into SUHSD should be submitted by February 1 for consideration for the following school year (AR 5117)


  • If this is a new request, please attach a copy of your student’s most recent grades and/or transcript; it is required to have positive attendance, grades, and behavior


  • A complete transfer request contains two components:
    • A signed and approved release from the home district (district of residence)
    • A completed and submitted “Interdistrict Transfer – Application to Transfer Into SUHSD” (Español) form (note: forms are only available Oct. 15 - Feb. 1)


Instructions for completing request for transfer INTO SUHSD:

  1. Students living outside of the Sequoia Union High School District boundary wanting to transfer INTO SUHSD need to direct a letter to their current district of residence (home district) requesting a release. Refer to your home district’s website or contact them for more information so you can understand the entire process; each district often follows different procedures.
  2. If your home district approves your request for a release, the signed and approved release will be forwarded to the Sequoia Union High School District, Student Services Department.
  3. Please complete an “Interdistrict Transfer – Application to Transfer Into SUHSD” form (link above) and submit electronically.
  4. Upon review of the received release and corresponding application, SUHSD will notify you of the district’s decision in writing. As the process involves a number of factors, requests are processed within 30 days. Please note there may be delays in this timeline due to the time of the year (holidays, breaks, etc.), a student's Special Education status, or other reasons beyond staff control.


Requirements and Information for Interdistrict Transfers:

  • Interdistrict transfer applications that are incomplete or contain incorrect information will not be processed and will be returned. Applications that are submitted without a corresponding release approval by home district will not be evaluated due to being incomplete, and will be returned


  • Release approval by the home district does not guarantee or imply transfer approval by Sequoia Union High School District


  • If student is receiving Special Education and/or Speech Language Services, please attach most recent IEP


If you would like to know the status of your request, please contact the Department of Student Services at your convenience: Cynthia Guerra: (650) 369-1411 Ext. 22211, Email:

Interdistrict Transfer OUT of SUHSD

Instructions for completing request for transfer OUT of SUHSD:
1. Students living inside of the Sequoia Union High School District boundary wanting to transfer OUT of the district need to complete the “Interdistrict Transfer – Application for Release from SUHSD” (Español) form
  1. The form needs to be completely filled out in order to be processed
  2. You must indicate if your student requires special education services and include an updated IEP; the request will be routed to our Executive Director of Special Education for completion
  3. Submit in person, mail, or electronically, to:

Sequoia Union High School District
Attn: Jarrett Dooley, Executive Director of Student Services
480 James Avenue
Redwood City, CA 94062

2. As the process involves a number of factors, please allow 30 days for a response
3. All IDT requests to leave SUHSD must have a complete Address Verification on file; this guarantees we only process IDT requests for families/students that are verified to reside within SUHSD attendance boundaries.
4. Upon review of the application, the district will make a determination for approval or denial. If approved, the signed application and release will be forwarded to the requested district; you may ask to hand deliver a copy, at your convenience, if you would like to expedite the process
5. Refer to the website of the desired district of attendance (district transferring to) or contact them for more information so you can understand the entire process. Each district often follows different procedures and there may be additional forms to complete
6. A signed and approved release from SUHSD does not guarantee or imply transfer approval by any other district


If you would like to know the status of your request, please contact the Department of Student Services at your convenience: Cynthia Guerra: (650) 369-1411 Ext. 22211, Email:

Contact Information

Contact Information

Cynthia Guerra
Administrative Assistant
Ext. 22211

Jarrett Dooley
Executive Director, Student Services
Ext. 22389