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TIDE Academy Enrollment Process

TIDE Academy Enrollment Process

Note: this is for incoming 9th graders only; current SUHSD students and new 10th, 11th, and 12th graders can contact TIDE staff for interest and to determine space availability. Student Services will facilitate these based upon space, via Adjustment Transfers. Steps I-III include processes that are district-wide. Steps II and III are TIDE-specific options within district-wide processes. Steps IV and V are solely for TIDE enrollment.


STEP I: Complete Online Registration

Opens October 15

Online Registration (OLR) must be completed as a mandatory requirement to establish residency with SUHSD attendance boundaries and to begin your student's enrollment. For more information, please refer to the District website by clicking the button below. Note: any student who has an incomplete, late, or missing Online Registration application is ineligible for enrollment in the district and/or TIDE Academy.



STEP II: Submit Open Enrollment for TIDE via OLR

November 15 - February 1

While submitting an Online Registration application, parents/guardians can submit a TIDE enrollment request through the Open Enrollment portion.

(screenshots, click to enlarge)



This must be completed by the Open Enrollment deadline which is February 1st annually. As a reminder, TIDE enrollment requests via Open Enrollment are only for incoming 9th grade students. 


After February 1

Students who desire to enroll in TIDE Academy after the closure of Open Enrollment (after Feb. 1 annually) may submit their request in Online Registration by selecting "Incoming 9/10/11/12th Grader: TIDE Enrollment" for the "Reason for Online Registration" field:


Please visit the district's Open Enrollment and Enrollment pages for more information.


STEP III: TIDE/Open Enrollment Closes

The enrollment window will close on February 1 at 4:00pm. Late applications cannot and will not be accepted. All requests for enrollment must be submitted and completed by this date/time. The Student Services department will immediately analyze requests against allocated enrollment groups. Enrollment notices will be mailed soon thereafter, if no public drawing (lottery) is needed, according to the allocated enrollment groups:

Group 1 - Addresses zoned for Menlo-Atherton High School*: 60%**
Group 2 - Addresses zoned for other SUHSD schools: 40%

*includes those portions of the following zip codes zoned to M-A: 94025, 94027, 94028, 94062, 94063 and 94303
**in order to serve TIDE’s local school community and due to the impacted enrollment status of M-A

If a public drawing (lottery) is necessary, final preparations will be made to execute.


STEP IV: Public Drawing (Lottery), if necessary

In the event that applications exceed available enrollment opportunities within either of the allocated enrollment groups, a random public drawing (lottery) will be conducted within each group in the following order:

Group 1: a randomly generated list will determine the order in which enrollments will be offered. Any Group 1 student not receiving an enrollment offer will be included in the Group 2 random public drawing (lottery), if one occurs, or will receive vacant Group 2 enrollment offers based upon the order of the randomly generated list.
Group 2: a randomly generated list will determine the order in which enrollments will be filled.

Additional information regarding the Public Drawing (Lottery):

  • All students not receiving an enrollment offer will be placed on a waitlist
  • Remaining enrollments (if any) will be offered in order to waitlisted students. Enrollment notices will be sent and students are expected to confirm enrollment as soon as possible, or within 7 business days after the date listed on the enrollment notice
  • Enrollment notices will be sent as soon as possible, upon completion


STEP V: Enrollment (Rolling if necessary)

Each student who is accepted will receive written enrollment confirmation. TIDE will become your student’s home school and parents/guardians are responsible for transportation. Rolling enrollment confirmations will continue to be sent to students in waitlisted order, if enrollments become available. 


If you do not receive an enrollment notification prior to the end of TIDE enrollment (see below), your student will remain at his or her home school. If additional seats become available, further enrollment offers will continue to be extended.

TIDE Academy Enrollment Policy

TIDE Academy Enrollment Policy

Enrollment Overview:

TIDE Academy will continue adding additional freshman classes each school year. Any Freshman that resides within Sequoia Union High School District’s attendance boundaries may apply for TIDE enrollment through our established Open Enrollment process. Additional information for enrollment at TIDE is below.

Contact Information:
For questions regarding TIDE Academy, please contact the administrative team:
Principal, TIDE Academy
Ext. 79010
School Secretary, TIDE Academy
Ext. 79011
Come and find out WHY TIDE Academy is a great small public high school option in the Sequoia Union High School District!

Please join us for TIDE Academy's 8th Grade Information Night on October 19th at 6 PM and hear from our academic departments, students, administrators, parents, counselors and our partner Foothill College about our dual enrollment program. TIDE Academy also offers After School Tours and Shadow Opportunities to spend the day with a current TIDE Academy student! All information about our events is also on our website at
¡Ven y descubre POR QUÉ TIDE Academy es una excelente opción de escuela secundaria pública pequeña en el Sequoia Union High School District!

Únase a nosotros para la Noche de información de octavo grado de TIDE Academy el 19 de octubre a las 6 p.m. y escuche a nuestros departamentos académicos, estudiantes, administradores, padres, consejeros y nuestro socio Foothill College sobre nuestro programa de inscripción dual. ¡TIDE Academy también ofrece visitas guiadas regulares después de la escuela y oportunidades de visita para pasar el día con un estudiante actual de TIDE Academy! Toda la información sobre nuestros eventos también se encuentra en nuestro sitio web en