Food Services
Universal Lunch Program
All meals are currently FREE for ALL students through the end of the 2021-2022 school year. Students may take one free grab and go breakfast meal and one free lunch meal per school day. Students must provide their name and Student ID number to access meals.
Safe Food Service
SUHSD will implement health and safety procedures consistent with CDPH and SMCPHD guidance and orders. See above information regarding face covering requirements. Students may bring food from home, but students should not share food items. Water bottles may be brought to school and refilled at water stations.
SUHSD will implement the following health and safety procedures:
- Students will wear masks while waiting in line for meals and maximize physical distance as much as possible while eating (especially indoors)
- Hand hygiene before and after meals will be encouraged
- Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized before and after meal service periods
Free and Reduced Lunch Program
All students districtwide will receive free meals for the 2021-22 school year. During this time, SUHSD will not collect Meal Applications. Although all students will be eligible to receive meals for free for the 2021-2022 school year, this does not qualify them to receive the benefits that Free/Reduced families typically receive (i.e. Internet discounts, P-EBT Cards, cable discounts, bus passes, reduced application fees, etc.). SUHSD will collect “Alternative Income Survey Forms'' to determine eligibility for the Free and Reduced Lunch Program and associated benefits. This survey form will be in addition to the direct certifications that SUHSD normally carries out with San Mateo County and the State of California through CALPADS.
The District is currently working on uploading the online survey form to interface with Infinite Campus. Once that is complete, a communication will be sent out to all families.
A substantial portion of the District’s supplemental funding is based on the demographic information that is collected off meal applications. Since the district will not be collecting meal applications this year, it is imperative that all families complete the Alternative Income Survey Form. This will ensure that families throughout the district can continue to receive their discount benefits without interruption and that the District can continue to receive supplemental funding to support students in the classroom.
- Administrative Services
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- Human Resources
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- COVID-19 Updates
- AB104 Retention
- Attendance and Welfare
- Boundary Search
- Change of Address
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- Interdistrict Transfers
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- Health Services
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- Wellness Advisory Council (WAC)
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- Vaping/E-Cigarettes
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