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Board Highlights - September & October 2020

Ethnic Studies Course Proposal Presentation

Ethnic Studies Course Proposal Presentation

Over the past summer, a group of teachers from across the District came together to work on a course proposal: Ethnic Studies.  This proposal differs from one adopted a few years ago as it is a requirement for graduation, rather than an elective.  It also differs in that staff is proposing that Ethnic Studies replace World Studies I & II at the freshman level, moving the World Studies course to sophomore year and as a replacement for the current sophomore social studies offering, Modern European History.
This proposed adoption of the new Ethnic Studies course and the corresponding shifts in graduation requirements come to you as a unanimous recommendation from principals, vice-principals, and all but one of the high school's department chairs.  Department chair votes are based on the majority opinion of their site department members.
Please see the linked dcouments for a preview of the course proposal and corresponding presentation.
School Site Plans 20-21 (Approved)

School Site Plans 20-21 (Approved)

As was the case with the 2020-21 LCAP, the pandemic shifted the timeline for Board approval of the 2020-21 School Plans.  On June 10, 2020, the Board approved the categorical budgets for sites that are usually presented with the School Plan, but it was decided to move the presentations of the School Plans themselves to a fall meeting when the District was further into implementing learning in the time of COVID.  Known until 2019 as the site plans, school plans are designed to help schools look at their data, engage their stakeholders, and come up with goals and actions to move their schools forward in identified areas of need.  This year, these plans are influenced by an untraditional learning model and a pivot to serving students in unprecedented conditions.  
Attached below you will find the presentations and School or WASC Plans (that in WASC years replace School Plans) presented tonight for approval. 
Unaudited Actuals Financial Report 2019-20 (Approved)

Unaudited Actuals Financial Report 2019-20 (Approved)

The Unaudited Actuals Financial report the District ended the 2019-20 fiscal year with an Unrestricted General Fund balance of $20,771,765.52.
The combined unrestricted and restricted General Fund ending balance of $22,505,736.62 is composed of $14,510,711 designated for economic uncertainties; $1,733,971.10 in restricted balances, and $2,641,687.92 in designated funds.
19-20 Unaudited Actuals 9-16-20.pdf (3,565 KB)
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (Approved)

Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (Approved)

In place of the annual Local Control and Accountability Plan, the state has borrowed the acronym but asked districts to instead prepare a Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan.  The gist of the plan is that we have been asked to provide a current snapshot of the measures we are taking to ensure that teaching and learning will continue for our students for the duration of the pandemic.  The state and county are aware that plans will shift as circumstances, health orders, and state guidelines continue to morph.  At the September 2, 2020, Board Meeting, a draft of Sequoia Union High School District's plan was presented for Board discussion. 
In addition to Board input, the document was shared with multiple stakeholder groups and posted for feedback on the District website.  Both the feedback provided by the Board and that from stakeholders shaped the final draft being brought to you for your approval this evening.
The plan is linked below.