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By law, the definition of transition services is a coordinated set of activities for a student, based on the individual student's needs, preferences, and interests, that promotes movement from school to post-school activities. Post-secondary transition planning will begin no later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child turns 16 (CA Education Code 34 CFR 300.43 and 300.320(b) and (c)).

Transition services are aimed at providing students and their families with the practical and experiential skills and knowledge that will assist in a successful transition to adult life. Transition is helping students and families think about life after high school and identifying long-range goals, by designing the high school experience to ensure that students gain the skills and connections they need to achieve these goals.

The appropriate transition services and activities will be determined by the IEP team and summarized on the transition plan. Areas that will be addressed on the transition plan are Education/Training, Employment, and Independent Living (if appropriate). The SUHSD Transition Services Department offers support for students whose needs in these areas cannot be met through the general education program.

The Transition Specialists coordinate two grant-funded projects for eligible students. Workability is the District's work training program. This program primarily focuses on helping students develop skills that lead to gainful employment and providing students with opportunities for supported work training both paid and unpaid.

The other district program is the Transition Partnership Program (TPP). TPP is a cooperative program with the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DOR). DOR is a statewide agency that assists adults with disabilities to reach their employment goals. Students with the most significant disabilities may participate in the program in their last two years of high school. TPP can provide support with job placement, education/training, or other barriers toward employment. DOR will continue to provide services with students when they leave high school.