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The role and function of the Program Specialist are defined by Section 56368 of the California Education Code. Program Specialists hold credentials in special education, clinical services, or health services, or have a school psychologist authorization and advanced training and related experience in the education of individuals with exceptional needs and a specialized in-depth knowledge in career vocational development, or one or more areas of major disabling conditions.

Program Specialists may do any of the following:

(1) Observe, consult with, and assist resource specialists, designated instruction and services instructors, and special day class teachers.

(2) Plan programs, coordinate curricular resources, and evaluate effectiveness of programs for individuals with exceptional needs.

(3) Participate in each school's staff development, program development, and innovation of special methods and approaches.

(4) Provide coordination, consultation and program development primarily in one specialized area or areas of his or her expertise.

(5) Be responsible for assuring that pupils have full educational opportunity regardless of the district of residence.

SUHSD has three Program Specialists:

Clare Chandler supports our Independent Living Skills classes, TRACE (our adult program), and students in various Non-public Schools. Her focus is on students with Moderate to Severe disabilities.

Karen Breslow supports our Successful Transition Achieved with Responsive Support (STARS) classes for students with mental health needs and our alternative education sites. Her focus is on students with Mild to Moderate disabilities.

Alma Ellis supports our NPS students in Non-public Schools and provides co-teaching professional development to our educational specialists.